miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

Displaying the Winning Number

(book excerpt).....The past, present and future are exactly the same for your subconscious mind, for it, time is not linear but circular. Past, present and future are whirling around each other, they are being perceived at the same time.

Perhaps you find it hard to believe and accept because it is not a truth that has been taught to you in school or in your social circles. However we are not here to teach you truths you already know, we are here to teach new truths. The three tenses (past, present and future) may become one, so now I'll show you how you will communicate with yourself within the three different states of time, making them only one. Your mind is shifting from being linear to becoming circular, warping them into a single time that contains the three, your "Timeless Mind".

Telepathy is one of the senses of the mind, and it is fully active in people, unfortunately they are not aware of this sense or do not know how to properly use it.

During the past few weeks, you've made different training practices that enable your mind to achieve your telepathic abilities.

Telepathy between humans works like a big Internet. When we want to get something on the Internet, we simply put in the phrase that indicates what we want, hit the Enter key and wait for an answer. In the time that passes between pressing the Enter key and the display of the information, we remain in expectant silence.

Our mind works in the same way, when you have the need to communicate telepathically with one mind or many minds, all you have to do is think about the message and then keep silent. What activates and enhances the delivery of information to the mind of another person or persons? The answer is: Attention.

Attention means: keeping your mind on the Here and Now, without fantasies or memories which distract you from the incoming message.
The longer we are attentive to what we’re doing, the greater the amount of energy generated by our body is. This energy will be used by our Subconscious Mind to repeatedly send messages to other minds. As if it were a machine on auto-pilot. To put it another way, a focused mind generates higher volumes of energy in our body, and the magnetism that causes this energy allows communication to flow with greater force.

Processes of Telepathy can occur on 3 levels:

1. From person to person
2. From one person to several people
3. From one person to the same person

The third one is what we’re interested in learning now. Usually these processes occur at the first two levels, but the third level is not even considered feasible.

Surely the average person or even students and experts of mental faculties see the third level as useful or meaningful. But for us it is a vital level that allows us to take a new leap in our evolutionary process as The Perfect Bettor.

Considering that past present and future occur in a circular fashion, the intention of carrying out the process of the third level is to enter a state in which our mind can receive information from our own mind which is projecting into the future.

You will learn to receive information from your own mind that is from the future. Then when that future is present, you will teach to your mind to send that information. This will be sent to your mind, that moments ago was in the past 

What is the intention?, I guess since you realized. The idea is to read the mind of the future that is what we will see in a moment (the winning number) and when that future arrives, learn to give the winning number to mind the past, thus closing the process of telepathic communication receiver-transmitter.

Please read the Practice Section:   Auto Telepathy. 

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