jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

Stimulating your deep senses through sound

(book excerpt).....In the study of sound and the quest to find its structure, beautiful figures were made which are named Chladni. These are formed when we put Lycopodium spores on a metal plate and pass over it a violin bow. This discovery could give a face to sound. In this plaque we can see the shapes created by the vibration of sound; if you watch closely the figures that are formed are different depending on the type of vibration that is issued. With this experiment, it could be demonstrated how sound, through vibration, owns and creates a harmonic form in the structure of the elements against which it impacts.

Some examples of Chladnis

In all ancient cultures which were interested in studying the body, mind and spirit of human beings, certain combinations of sounds and words that cause special vibrations were discovered. These were named "Sacred Words" or "Sacred Sounds ", being considered as such because of the type of vibration that they generated when were pronounced and/or heard. In the East they are named Mantras.

Why do you have to know all this? Remember that we are going to work with our mind, which is in our brain. Just as you train and develop your muscles in your body through movement, to stimulate and activate keys of your mind, you have to give movement to your brain. We will achieve this by making your neurons vibrate through sounds that we will learn to issue. Don't worry, you won't sing songs or hymns; the keys that we use are different.

Your mind must learn to lay aside the disturbing sounds and learn to work concentrated despite sounds that are around. In casinos, gambling centers or any place you visit, you will always have many disturbing sounds that are coming and going through your being. They’ll try to break your concentration.  

When we make a sound, we are creating a vibration that resonates in the frontal maxillary sinuses of our head, which acts as a sounding board. The vibration which is generated in this box will depend on how we make the sound. When this sounding board resonates in the right way it will start creating Chladnis in particles floating in the cerebrospinal fluid around the brain. When this liquid vibrates, it will massage the brain, stimulating areas that we couldn’t normally access. It is known that many people who are subjected to open brain surgery, wake up from surgery with new abilities and mental capacities that science has no explanation for yet. Mainly patients become much more perceptive and even intuitive powers and clairvoyance are activated which weren’t previously enabled. 

The movement of cerebrospinal fluid will depend on vibration which is issued by sound, the tides of this fluid will go in circles, swirls or waves, depends on the type of vibration that we are generating. Those who wish to do meditation with the sound ‘Ai’, they can listen to the audio file “Aimagicsound”. To issue the sound properly, you must open your mouth as much as you can with the "A" and close it as much as you can with the "i", trying to bring vibration to the soft palate. You will able to see that when you say the word AI in the right way as the recordings indicates, in a few minutes you will begin to feel a great peace, tranquility and relaxation generated by the massages which your brain will receive and the chemicals that it will emit as a result of this action.

It is important that you understand that everything you talk during the day also issues a kind of vibration, which will generate a positive current in our cerebrospinal fluid or aggressive ones that disrupt the brain. Every word, being a sound, generates vibration and creates a chemical reaction in our body and this can be seen scientifically when doing a lie detector test to a person. For this test sensors are placed on the person's hand. These sensors perceive chemical reactions in the skin. A sensor is applied to sense variations in heart rate and another to feel the changes in breathing. The specialist in charge begins to say random words, such as: ‘hate, love, revenge, blood, Carlos, truth, death, passion, sex,’ and so on.  The person's brain will analyze the words and react, processing the vibrations that are caused by that word entering the mind. The reaction will generate a series of chemical processes, many of which are imperceptible to the Conscious Mind, but they can be perceived via the sensors. The specialist examines the chemical reaction pattern of the person's brain and then he will ask his important questions. This device demonstrates scientifically what great cultures from the past have always said: "Words (sounds) have a power that influences the physical and mental reactions of human beings, this power can create, recreate or destroy the person" ... this statement is quite true, considering that our whole body works based on chemical reactions that occur one after another during our lifetime.

So we must keep in mind that everyday words that come out of our mouth cause biochemical reactions in our body and in those of the people around us or anyone who can hear it. Have you noticed there are many people who when speaking make you feel good, calm and help you get your balance? Well, there are two factors behind this, the first factor is the vibration of words (formed by the letters it contains) which the speaker emits and are received by the listener's brain. This vibration causes the body to react chemically in a particular way as we can see from the lie detector test. You hear a word and your whole body reacts chemically; the second factor is the vibration that the person gives to the sound, this vibration is determined by the intonation of words the person is saying.

The vibration does not enter our body just through the ears, as we have explained, it weaves through your skin, goes inside the person and the objects around, each cell is crossed by the sound, from your toes to the last hair on your head. Recall that sound expands on all sides, that vibration (Chladnis) makes our body's molecules move and rearrange themselves, and this makes us feel good or bad, depending on the case.

When a person talks to another, especially with his loved ones, one must consider that every word that is spoken carries a vibration comprised of the letters it contains, and thereafter it is increased or decreased by the intonation given. When you insult or belittle a person you are creating disharmonious Chladnis, these negatively alter the listener and the sender, because the same sound affects all people present.

To put it another way, when you tell one word to another person, such as "bastard", This combination of sounds causes a vibration that creates a Chladni that enters your body, in the body of everyone and everything around you. This Chladni will have higher or less power, according to the letters the word has and the intonation (emotion) with which was expressed.

But we must also consider that in different societies and cultures of our planet people use certain words as slang and their meaning and intonation varies according to context. In English for example, numerous racial epithets or other insulting words can be used also as terms of endearment between parties. This demonstrates that the negative force of words can be changed by the vibration (emotion-intonation) that’s issued upon saying them. The effect of Chladni decreases, but it is better not to use them, because anyway those small vibrations create a subtle effect. For example, think of the word "cursed" and then the word "beautiful", you will be able to feel that the sensation in your mind is different, even in the body.

Therefore, we understand that emotion-intonation is a very important factor that will give final power to words we express. The same goes if we tell someone "I Love You," but our emotional vibration does not express a real feeling, this expression will alter the vibration of the word love and create a negative Chladni in the listener, at the same time it will affect who uttered the phrase.

The power of sounds is undoubtedly important in our lives and everything around us. That is why in the East for decades they have used combinations of sounds named Sacred Words or Mantras. We could call them Sacred Vibrations, which stimulate different parts of our brain, making the person gets to states of Super Consciousness.

It should be noted that, as with images, just thinking of words causes biochemical reactions in our brain and body. That is why if we are constantly thinking of things we said or we should have said, we are creating different types of Chladnis in our brain. Unfortunately this is like taking a guitar and playing on out of tune strings. The sounds that would come out would be noisy, without harmony or rhythm. These sounds without harmony or rhythm create Chladnis with disharmonious waves; they move the cerebrospinal fluid in a way that does not help the development of our brain’s capabilities.

It is important to understand how important it is to create appropriate vibrations in our cerebrospinal fluid, because they are going to massage and stimulate areas of the brain that will allow us to activate our senses and profound gifts. Cultures that formerly had this knowledge kept it a secret. They had become aware of the existence of vibrations and reactions caused by words both said and thought. These thoughts of words (internal conversation) are always accompanied by emotions. This creates Chaladnis in a certain way. They are then interrupted by other new internal words, thoughts and new emotions, again changing the shape of the vibration. Unfortunately this happens constantly throughout the day, because your thoughts come one after another and many of them do not relate to each other at all. Hundreds of Chladnis are bumping against each other creating disharmonious ways, which causes a chaos of vibrations and movements in the fluid in our head and body, with the end result being a massage on the brain. 

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