jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

First Perceptions Immediate Future

(book excerpt).....The information in our subconscious mind has always been a mystery. A mystery, that begins to reveal itself in front of you when you understand what it hides, or somebody tells you about it, or you see persons with these types of experiences.

Our Timeless Mind has two clearly defined levels, the first level is the intuitive and the second level is the Clairvoyant. In this chapter we will focus on activating the intuitive level, which is necessary before proceeding to the Clairvoyant level, which we will begin to do from the next chapter.

Usually when we speak of psychic abilities or extrasensory abilities, people always think it is all in your head. But that’s not exactly true. A person’s Deep capabilities are the result of a series of processes performed by different parts of the body. In this particular case if we want perceptions that are ahead of the timeline, we have to know the following: To activate the first level of your Timeless Mind, at its intuitive level, your mind will use your skin to capture the energetic vibrations of the immediate future. Your skin will capture the information and send it through the channels of your nervous system (spinal cord) to your subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind, which knows and anticipates what will happen in this dimension, receives information from the channels of our skin. That's something that for now, you’ll just have to accept, but later you’ll see it in action.

For a comparison to better understand this, consider radar. The function of a radar dish is to collect the waves that are flowing around the environment, then this information travels through the antenna tower, and then passed to the control panel, there the trained operator can analyze and understand the information. After that the information is stored on the hard disk.

If we relate this process with our body, our skin becomes the radar dish, our Spinal Cord is the tower through which information travels, and our brain is the control panel where a trained operator can interpret the information received.

Now that you understand the physical path that information follows from the outside to the inside of your body, you are ready to learn the language that will allow you to extract information directly from your subconscious mind. Remember we are talking about non-conventional processes, so learning this language requires unconventional media.

Previously the importance of voids was explained in Chapter I. It was mentioned at that time: “If the voids create the forms that we can see, it means that some force in this universe manages those voids to make reality as we know it. You have to realize that your mind is an instrument that interprets the voids around you and through them it creates the forms we see. So your mind is an instrument capable of interpreting the void, so it can just as easily interpret the voluminous information that is around us, it is not a tool for interpreting shapes and forms. For an unprepared mind, as in your case for now, this seems to be merely a play on words or concepts, but it is not. This great secret has been kept hidden from the eyes of humans, to preserve knowledge. People find it easier to understand the concept of "our mind sees the forms around us"; supposedly it is the same in a different perspective, but for our subconscious mind is radically different.

Now this information begins to make more sense. As you’ve progressed in your preparation, you’ve likely been able to realize the great importance given to the process of focusing the mind on the empty spaces of the body.

On this occasion we will proceed to take the first steps to activate your Timeless Mind, by means of a key of power that becomes the language with which we will begin to receive information from our subconscious mind. But it is also a key of great power for those who practice some kind of discipline that requires deep awareness of the use of their energy through the mastery of his body.

  When you begin to feel the effect of the keys, you might think they are a powerful complement of the practices of “Super Strength” previously studied, which is true. But it actually goes much further, since it is the tool that will give us the power to interpret the information that is being perceived by our subconscious mind. You still do not know how to interpret this information consciously.

There are three aspects that you must be conscious of:

1.      Remember that your body is made of energy. When you join two bodies both have vital energy, the energy is transmitted from one to other, sometimes one of them receives more and the other gives more.
2.      Certain parts of your body have specific skills that differentiate from one another. There are areas of your body more prone to receiving energy and others more prone to sending energy. A zone that’s very predisposed to sending energy is your hands; they can pass energy from inside your body to outside your body or to others areas in your own body to recharge their energy.
3.      When your mind focuses on the empty spaces of your body, you get great power in regards to the transmission or routing of energy.

It is important to consider these three points that you have cited, because it is by them that your intuitive and clairvoyant abilities will be opened. In order to do this you will start by following the instructions given in the recording "GuidetotheInterpretingArmoftheSubconscious”. 

In the Practice section you will find a transcript of the audio file and the steps needed to activate this power.
The Arm Bettor has three stages. The first stage: "Arm Bettor" – The Activation, will be when your body begins to move without exerting any physical effort to achieve the movement. You simply will wish for the movement, and your body will move. If you've done what is indicated in the recording, then you have the ability to ask your arm "to move", and it will start moving. Understanding this while only reading this text probably doesn’t make sense. Sign in to use your recording and live the experience, then you will understand clearly. The connection and the control that you can achieve through our keys are of great mental power, as you can observe and feel.

The second phase of the "Arm Bettor" - Looking Inside Another Human Being, You will be able to perceive the internal emotional state of a person and receive telepathic information about his physical state. This will enable you to accelerate the growth of your Faith in your abilities. This phase is usually a big surprise for our disciples and secures entry into the next phase, in which you activate your power of intuition.

The third stage of the "Arm Bettor" - Intuition, in this phase, we teach you the language to interpret the information recorded as energy inside your Subconscious Mind. This will let you have your first bits of success in games of chance.  Knowing how to interpret this information recorded as energy is the basis for future perception processes and you are learning to do it.

After the preparation you've followed so far, you're ready to activate the three mentioned phases, it will take a single day, your mind already have the level to do so.

The first phase of the Arm Bettor will help everyone who wants to go beyond the possibilities given in this dimension and wants to enhance their mastery of vital energy which they can apply to other arts such as Yoga, Dynamic Meditation, Tai Chi, Martial Arts, etc.

The second and third aim to demonstrate the potential of our twelve psychic senses, for which we have been preparing all this time.

Human beings are entities with exceptional potential, our capabilities are limitless, our mind creates our reality, we create our reality based on our emotions and with our work on "Separateness" we get control over these emotions which leads us to accepting the power within us.

We can be what we want to be, everyone chooses his destiny. Life, like gambling, is a set of options, the right choice or the wrong your decision. You're always making choices, it’s the essence of your mind’s function, that is why it was created. We realized this and have learned and trained you to strengthen your essence. The mind has been created to adopt: options, couples, loneliness, companion, music, silence, beliefs, opportunities, experiences, numbers, etc.; choosing is the specialty of your mind. That’s why bets create so much magic and desire in people’s minds. Your mind feels the need to express its true potential and purpose of being, which is to make decisions, win and succeed. Making choices feeds your mind, and now your mind is better able to choose the right option to have the best experiences on the road to finding happiness.....

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