miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

The Powerful Endocrine System

(book excerpt).....I told you about the Pituitary gland in our last meeting, an endocrine gland that lies at the base of your brain and is the conductor for all other endocrine glands in the body, therefore it is responsible for every reaction from our organs. This small but powerful friend holds great secrets of power inside, which are unknown to ordinary mortals. Based on experiences we've had, I can say that mastery of this powerful gland allows us to do unimaginable things. It is known in some philosophical circles as The Third Eye. In India it’s known as ‘The eye of Shiva.’ In esoteric terms it’s known as ‘The open eye of Dangma.’ Dangma means Purified Soul, it’s the internal or spiritual eye of the seer, which increases the power of intuition, and through which we can obtain direct and true knowledge. This ability is closely related with the ‘Third Eye’ as it is known in the mythological traditions of certain cultures.  “The Secret Doctrine”, written by Madame Blavatsky.

In our body there are six major glands which are your Gonads (ovaries and / or testes), Adrenal (on top of each kidney), Timo (chest), Thyroid (neck), Pituitary (head) and Pineal (in the center of the brain), which produce chemicals that determine, literally, how the process of each person’s life will be (Happiness-Abundance  or Unhappiness-Misery).

These glands react by secreting different chemicals in our body; they will determine our status and quality of life: health, sickness, happiness, sadness, encouragement, discouragement, peace, aggression, hope, hopelessness, etc.

You're on the path to learning the proper way to stimulate the hidden potential in your glands. During this preparation we are basically going to focus on stimulating glands related to the activation of your intuitive and clairvoyant senses. But it is also important to consider that when you stimulate the development of a gland, this will entail the development of other abilities that we might not be looking for directly, but that will arise anyway.

For ordinary people it is correct to say that mental images stimulate the secretions of our various endocrine glands, which are governed by our subconscious, and that's true, but is not the whole truth. There are also external physical keys that our conscious mind can use to take control over the work of these glands and cause them to secrete the chemicals that we need to achieve their development. So we are going to continue into the plan we had from the beginning of this preparation, which is to consciously take control of the subconscious' functions.

All our powerful endocrine glands have physical triggers which we are going to use to stimulate them. These triggers are like a circuit breaker, able to turn off or turn on the system. Imagine a large computer (our subconscious) which regulates the flow of water from the pipes of a football stadium, determining irrigation schedules and the volume of irrigation. But besides that, there are ‘valves’ which we can manually open, without relying on the main computer. That is exactly what we will do, we will take control of those manual ’valves’, skipping the main computer altogether.

Our Gonads glands (testes and ovaries) are stimulated by their external nerve endings, which are located in the glands (penis head) and / or clitoris of women. When these glands are rubbed, they stimulate the secretion of substances such as seminal fluid, semen, vaginal fluids, and so on.

Our Adrenals glands (located above the kidneys). They have nerve endings that lie in the groin and when they are very delicately rubbed, they cause segregation of hormones. They’re massaged in an upwards motion, gently as if with a feather. This is used mostly for people who have problems with deep fears, frigidity or impotence.

Our Thymus gland (located at the heart level) is the only gland that is stimulated by light blows of fist over the sternum. It also is stimulated through calculated respiration, which we will learn later. Stimulation of this gland improves the work of antibodies, allowing us to achieve high ideals and make our most desired and loved goals become reality

Our Thyroid gland (located in the neck) is stimulated by sound vibrations and also through breathing patterns much like the Thymus. As mentioned, we will learn about this breathing later. Also it is stimulated by the friction that air creates when we breathe, which generates electrical currents that activate and positively enhance this gland. And it has to do with the consumption of energy in our body, it tells every cell of our being how much energy to must store or use in the various activities we do during the day.

Our Pineal and Pituitary glands (located in the brain) have their nerve endings in the soft palate of the throat. If you lift your tongue up and back you will feel soft and grainy skin, that's your soft palate.  It is the key to access, stimulate, and take control of our Pituitary and Pineal glands. Also we stimulate the vibration of this master key by making vibrations with tongue or buzzing. 
The vibrations we are going to learn to generate will produce a stimulatory effect on soft tissue of the palate. It should be noted that the Pituitary was considered in ancient Greece as the Seat of The Mind and it is what will help us to successfully navigate this path down which we are traveling, by being able to dominate its power consciously.

The technique of sounds and hums has several variants:

-          We retract the tongue back and emit a sound like a running motor or like a cat's purr. Children like to make this sound, we believe that they enjoy the game; but they are really enjoying the flow of hormones that these sounds generate in them. We must do it with our eyes closed so as not to disturb our vision.

-          Make a sound like a bee, focus on issuing the sound and making the soft tissue vibrate.

-          Separate the lips, keeping the teeth together, make a sound like a bee buzzing.

-          To vary the vibration levels in these practices, you can begin to moving the tongue forward or backward, which will increase or decrease the vibration.

You can choose which of them creates better feelings in you. What’s transcendent about these techniques is that within a few minutes of you starting it you will feel the beat of the Pituitary and Pineal. Their segregation and hormonal work becomes very palpable, also you will feel a metallic taste in your mouth. This reveals the high level of stimulation being made in the glands. This taste is not a delicacy, in the East it is known as the Vindu, the sacred liquid of infinite power. Eastern traditions say, with certainty, that this liquid is the only food which Yogic teachers need to go without food or drink water for days..............

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