miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015


(book excerpt).....Welcome to the order of The Perfect Bettor.

We're a group of people, whose members powers come from the development we have obtained from our mental capacities.

We have taken our mental abilities to certain levels of development and evolution, allowing us to achieve experiences of fullness and happiness, beyond any   expectation of life that the majority of human beings could ever have.

We have designed this preparation to take you with us to walk the same path of realization. We will teach you how to activate mental keys which you have and which are always there, ready for use. All you need is the perfect technique to activate them and the magic within you will emerge. We are willing to show you the way and walk with you. It’s up to you to start walking.

I have traveled all over the world. Not always with the intention of betting but mostly for pleasure. I have benefited from the wealth of hundreds of gambling venues, casinos, horse and dog races, among others, while always winning.

 You might be asking, “How do we do this?”, “Is it a gift we were born with?”, “A statistical calculation?”, “A faculty awakened by accident?”  I will tell you no. It really is an art that can be taught. In my case by someone who I will simply call Don Alfonso.

 We are trained to sense the immediate future with much certainty, minutes before things happen, and that is all the time we need to win and that is what I will teach you to do. This ability also allows us to predict the outcome of our long-term projects, providing us with intuitive information which can’t be analyzed by other people, which allows us to make better decisions that make us succeed in our lives.

You must understand that neither good luck nor bad luck exists; there is only the ability to correctly interpret the information that your subconscious mind has for you, which is perceived through your twelve senses. When you don’t know how to interpret it, you will name it "bad luck" but when you do you will call it "Good Luck".

Our brain has 12 senses with which it works constantly. Six of them known and developed to 50% are hearing, sight, smell, touch, sight and feeling. I say they have only been developed to 50% because you only work with the physical part of them. We work with psychic part. The remaining 6 senses not yet fully accepted by society we know them as Telepathy, Intuition, Clairvoyance, Spiritual Discernment, Transmission of Thought and Verification.

Unfortunately, the lack of use of these senses has made your brain unable to sense its own skills. As a result, your brain only sends you occasional random bits of intuition through which you can avoid unwanted situations. Since we usually don't pay attention to them, we end up saying "I knew it would happen” when it is too late.

Using the knowledge that I will share with you, I will guide you so you can educate your mind and discover how to use the appropriate keys to open the processes of higher consciousness, you will progress towards an early appearance and development of skills that some call, supernatural gifts.
These gifts or skills do not need years to manifest themselves, rather they are processes of the mind that can be achieved in a very short time if you know the right keys. Many of them can be unlocked in minutes or hours, some in days and others at most in a few weeks.

When I started writing this book in which I shall narrate how I was chosen and received all the secrets and techniques of my mental and physical training, which allowed me to achieve a Timeless Mind (outside of time) activating these wonderful skills that I have, some close disciples did not understand why I would unveil our teachings and they often questioned my decision.

The Perfect Bettor are found all over the world.  As a school and group we started working the powers of our mind in order to master the art of controlling time. Until now, people who do not belong to our order have not known us, and nor will they. This is something you should understand, understand and accept it if you want to follow our teaching. Our selection is done in secret and our life becomes a mystery when we are chosen. Neither our mothers, wives nor children know our secret; unless we want them to become apprentices as well.

Why then, am I determined to open the doors of this knowledge to the world? My motives are more than one.

These days the world is a safer place to live. The abundance that modern civilization offers and the endless possibilities around us make for an endless amount of resources that we can share. And so, it is not necessary to limit wealth to a small group of human beings, as currently there is so much wealth floating around which will be enough for anyone who wants to have it, even if there are thousands and thousands of us.

Another reason is that current members of our Order do not need greater abundance than they already have, they are all aware of this. But fear always arises when we face new situations that affect us directly or indirectly. Fortunately, they do not have the power to determine the decisions I make.

I want to be honest in telling you that the power that you can get with your mental senses activated can be infinite, but at the same time, the chances of losing your way are significant. Many have entered this game of power of the mind, the minority has ended up losing the game and with it the gift, the majority has passed this stage proudly. 

I will teach you and guide you. You will learn to retrain your mind in this art. You must commit yourself to it. That's something I can't do for you, your success depends entirely on you.

All the mental keys I will teach you will be activating new capabilities and different sensations for you to perceive reality, which you will experience as we move forward through the lessons. It will inspire you to continue. Your memory will develop photographically, your body will feel light as a feather, your perception of time will alter itself, making the days longer and more productive. You will able to control the performance of your internal organs, healing your body with your mind's power. Your endurance will increase remarkably creating super strength, your mind will learn to send signals to your body about what is perceived of future events and you will learn to interpret them. After all these achievements your senses will have developed their psychic potential and you will be ready to achieve a Timeless Mind, which does not handle linear time, but circular time, enabling you to see and feel scenes from the past, present and immediate future at the same time.

During this training you will learn to be intense, concentrated, deep, and devoted. But do not worry as I'll be there to tell you how to do it and succeed.  

I can assure you that the learning that you will achieve by downloading this book and following the teachings that we give you freely will positively change your life forever. There are about 200 pages of wisdom.

The book is divided into 2 well-defined levels of preparation. The first level goes from chapter I to VI, it seeks to integrate the deep capabilities of your Conscious Mind with capabilities of your Subconscious Mind, making the two work as one unit, boosting your energy levels and creating perfect synchronization in the functions that the two perform independently but at the same time, causing the conscious mind to take control over certain functions of the subconscious mind, and vice versa.

Having achieved this harmony of body and mind, you'll be ready to understand and demonstrate advanced processes which I will take you through in the second level, which is in Chapters VII to X. There I shall begin to guide your mind towards perceiving a new reality by entering sophisticated mental levels that you will discover.

From Chapter VIII you will start to make your first acts of perception of the immediate future, eventually reading it with your conscious mind and the information about the past-present-future that is contained in your subconscious mind. At that time you will see that all this work begins to bear fruit.

At the same time each chapter of this book is divided into 2 sections. The information and lessons you'll find in the first section of each chapter will help you increase your knowledge of the body and mind, giving you mental tools and techniques that will make you feel that you are living a greater life. At the end of each chapter you will find the second section “PRACTICES GUIDE”, which describes the lessons to perform exclusively as a member of our Order. These teachings are what we need to create our Timeless Mind which is the primary gift of all our members. This preparation will last only 2 and a half months. During the first chapters, you will apply all the lessons in your daily life, without altering your daily routine or spending extra time. Only in the last chapters will you have to devote additional time to some keys; but we are sure you will be glad to do it, because by that time in your training, you'll be feeling the great effect that all of the lessons are having on your person. I'll teach you to think and feel differently as you continue with your daily work. The reality of time will be changed and you will perceive the events around you differently. Your physical senses will be enhanced to a level that you had never imagined before, and with all these experiences, you will awaken a different faith. You will progress towards a higher level of evolution which you will feel more and more each day as you continue following our methods. It will culminate with the awakening of your Timeless Mind, which will allow you to perceive the immediate future with great precision and discern the results of distant future events with greater certainty.

Try the keys that we give in the book of teachings, then we are sure you wished to go further, because you'll really start moving in a different dimension, feeling, perceiving and creating a new reality.

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